This is our place. Our campfire. A safe place where we gather and share our stories. This is not a place for right and wrong. We respect everyone here. Village code : protect and nurture, simple.
Connie and Samuel really want you to share your stories with us - we’re not a village otherwise! The stories don’t have to be about cancer at all. Anything goes and remember, they can be anonymous if it’s more comfy for you that way.
Email us with your letter to the village -
- and please include pics! We can’t tell you how much we want the pics. Not compulsory, but they really help! Please keep your submissions less than five hundred words if possible.
Obviously we can’t reply to each email or guarantee inclusion as we spend the bulk of our time raising money to vanquish cancer with science. We trust you understand this.
We’re a strong and proud village founded by brother sister duo Samuel & Connie Johnson. Our goal?
To vanquish cancer so our families can get on with bickering and laughing together. Here it is night,
until cancer is cured… Science holds the key and your donations create freedom for our best
researchers to explore their left-of-field ideas without subjecting them to the all-consuming grants cycle.
We’re a strong and proud village founded by brother sister duo Samuel & Connie Johnson. Our goal? To vanquish cancer so our families can get on with bickering and laughing together. Here it is night, until cancer is cured… Science holds the key and your donations create freedom for our best researchers to explore their left-of-field ideas without subjecting them to the all-consuming grants cycle.