After one of their many tiffs, Samuel lost a dare to Connie and was forced to publicly apologise, as per their agreement. Samuel issued this ‘apology’. Connie’s not quite sure that it constitutes an apology but has let it go, coz that’s what you have to do for little brothers.
We’re a strong and proud village founded by brother sister duo Samuel & Connie Johnson. Our goal?
To vanquish cancer so our families can get on with bickering and laughing together. Here it is night,
until cancer is cured… Science holds the key and your donations create freedom for our best
researchers to explore their left-of-field ideas without subjecting them to the all-consuming grants cycle.
We’re a strong and proud village founded by brother sister duo Samuel & Connie Johnson. Our goal? To vanquish cancer so our families can get on with bickering and laughing together. Here it is night, until cancer is cured… Science holds the key and your donations create freedom for our best researchers to explore their left-of-field ideas without subjecting them to the all-consuming grants cycle.